This Expansion has 2 modes to it: Co-operative and Traitor! The malevolent specter of a long-dead conquistador, Maldonado, is trying to exert his evil influence over the Corps. Initially ingratiating himself to the Corps as a sort of spirit guide, Maldonado quickly showed his true colours by spreading misinformation and lies that rot the expedition from the inside like a worm corrupting an apple.
In the Traitor mode, only one of you will be under Maldonado’s sway so you will need to root out the weak link to save your crew.
In the Co-op mode, Maldonado’s influence is still felt, but you need to work together to save your entire crew!
Amazing features:
- 1-4 player Co-op and Competitive Traitor Mode Expansion for Corps of Discovery.
- 10 new maps! New objective, new monsters, new cards!
- One play can secretly play as the traitor, or everyone can play cooperatively against Maldonado.
- This expansion requires you to explore based on cards in your hand so you can save the crew from the machinations of Maldonado!
Players: 1-4
Ages: 14+
Time: 45-75 minutes
Game Design: Jay Cormier and Sen-Foong Lim
Art: Matthew Roberts
Graphic Design: Sebastian Koziner
Check the Expansions:
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Based on the comic book MANIFEST DESTINY created by Chris Dingess