The Fair Folk expansion allows a player to play as the third or fourth player in any game, or as the second player against Hester.
The Fair Folk are minding their own business when someone kidnapped their queen as well as her crown and sword. The other players know where they are, but you do not.
You have to locate them during the battles that are going on above ground. To make matters worse, you’re not able to do anything on your own due to ancient Fairy rules. Instead you need to make bargains and deals with other players to help you locate the queen and her stolen items.
How they play The Fair Folk take smaller turns after each of the 2 factions take a turn. They place a Fairy nest along with an offer in that nest on any hex on the map. If a player takes the offer and if the Fair Folk have enough silver cubes come out of the tree, the nest stays and the other players are forced to give information about the queen’s sword, crown, or the location of the queen herself. If the Fair Folk find their queen, then they win. It’s possible that 2 players can win when the Fair Folk are playing. One of the factions could get to 7 points during the same round when the Fair Folk find their queen!
Amazing features:
- Play 2, 3, or 4 players with the core game of Harrow County.
- A totally new way to interact and play with Harrow County.
- All components are shiny and silver!
Players: 2-4
Ages: 14+
Time: 45-90 minutes
Game Design: Jay Cormier and Shad Miller
Art: Tyler Crook
Graphic Design: Aleksandra Bilic and Sebastian Koziner